Exploration and design of materials across the scales

Monday 26.08.2024 - Thursday 29.08.2024
an International Summer School
organized by the
Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science (DCMS), the Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) and the D³ Research Training Group 2868

New and optimized materials are the key for a sustainable future. These materials are developed more and more in a multidisciplinary context. The paradigm of data-driven materials exploration combines and bundles the insights from different fields, such as chemistry, physics, computer science and engineering.
The new Research Training Group 2868 "Data-Driven Design of resilient meta materials" (D³) aims at realizing a fully digital, data-driven approach to design meta-materials for the sectors of energy, medicine and mobility. Together with the Dresden Center for Materials Science (DCMS) and the Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM), we organize this year's joint summer school from Monday August 26st to Thursday August 29th 2024 in Dresden.
Internationally renowned speakers from D³, DCMS, DCIM and from abroad will present their perspectives in a 4-day workshop in the spectrum of data-driven design of materials and structures. The program will be enriched with hands-on training on big-data models, as well as lab visits at our partner institutes and the TU Dresden.
Apply now until 15.07.2024!

Confirmed Speakers


On every day, there will be morning and afternoon keynotes by internationally renowned scientists. There will be contributed talks by the members of the GRK2868 and the Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (www.dcim.science/people) about the subjects of the day. They will give short introductions to their specific methods of their field. In the afternoon, there will be insights into cutting-edge research with hands-on training sessions. There will also be the possibility for a conference dinner at Schillergarten Dresden and a conference barbecue at the TU Dresden campus.

The programme will be announced sooon stay tuned!


Applications will be accepted until 15.07.2024. The summer school targets Master students and early PhD students working on or interested in computational and experimental materials science and topics related to synthesis, modelling and integration of intelligent/smart/active materials, novel fabrication methods and high-throughput methods. To apply for the school the following documents are needed and have to be uploaded as a PDF in the online form (see below).

The participating students will be selected from the applications as soon as the application period ends and be informed about the decision shortly afterwards. Participation scholarships will be awarded, which include access to all the lecture material, the possibility to discuss with the lecturers and a certificate. All applicants are automatically considered for the scholarship, there is no additional application needed.


Important for applicants who need a visa to travel to Germany:

Scientific Board/Organizers

Organizing Board


This Summer School is supported by the TU Dresden School of Engineering Sciences and is part of its internationalization strategy.